M-R. Can Hamsters Eat Mango? Despite the sugar content, even the dwarf hamsters can eat raisins but they are not indicated to have one due to their susceptibility to diabetes. 2. This is done by giving a little, Introduce the treat into your hamster’s diet at more regular intervals over the coming weeks, Your hamster simply don’t like it and leave a lot of food. We are here to know exactly how much is healthy for them and if it is an acceptable diet choice for those planning to get a hamster in the future. It is advised to have a strict go through and refer credible sources when it comes to choosing the kind of diet you are about to offer. A pelleted mix can be supplemented with a variety of other items as long as the pelleted food makes up the bulk of the diet. Raisins are sweet and hamsters sure love to have anything sugary. Hamsters are well-known pets, and by that time they got so popular in many countries like the USA and Canada. In addition, those birds also eat fruit, so raisins … 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! Food And Drink. Nuts come in many varieties and they all have different properties so let us find out the answer to the question “can hamsters eat nuts? 5 6 7. But it is not essential to give the grapes as it is to the hamsters. When I introduce new treats for my Hamster, Mr. However, due to its excess sweetness, you should limit the intake of raisins in your hamsters. Can Hamsters Eat Raspberries? However, when you first decided on purchasing a hamster, you might have wondered what they should and should not eat. Aug 9, 2015 - Can hamsters eat raisins? The bottom line is simple, you can feed birds with raisins, but only if it is boiled and without salt of sugar. Hamsters can either be given raisins on their own or as part of a food mix. Ans: You should avoid avocado as it’s really a hard object to deal with for your hamsters. If in a dish, expect them to turn it over to transfer the contents to their larder. Give hamsters a half-teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of vegetables, fruit or other treats two or three times per week. However, raisin being a dried fruit can be too sticky for your pet, especially if it is the Dwarf hamster. Can Hamsters Eat Raisins? ” Nuts are great for us as they are packed with protein, fibers and essential fats so they are healthy and can be eaten as simple treats or put in a variety of dishes that range from breakfast to dessert. Just a half-cup of these fruits has 217 calories and 47 grams of sugar! Which Birds Can Eat Raisins? This is because grapes are quite sugary and different breeds of hamsters can tolerate different levels of sugar. Can Hamsters Eat Lemons? diarrhea). Even though hamsters like to eat different types of food, some of them can be harmful for these animals. Raisins have 60% sugar content which would make any hamster jump on them when presented. It is a new thing for any new pet hamster owner to learn about What can hamsters eat?. It is proved that raisins can damage the kidneys of a dog. Can Hamsters Eat Pineapple? Hamsters naturally eat a mixture of seeds/cereals/insect larvae/larger insects e.g. In fact Syrian hamsters can eat and do require a wider variety of food, some of which may take you by surprise. More so when you have heard many hamster owners commenting on how difficult it … They are safe for your hamster only in moderation. So, a basic idea about the diet of hamsters, will be beneficial if you plan to keep these animals as pets. Hamsters would just love to have anything which is sweet and sugary. Although Hamsters can eat raisins it is best to avoid it.. Raisins (Dried Grapes) contain a lot of sugar (60%), which might be very harmful for your Hamsters. Snacks. Can Hamsters Eat Chicken? … and watching your hamster feast on its treats is sure to give you a warm and even proud feeling! When in wild, they are known to hunt in packs but as a pet, it is the pet owner to ensure that he or she offers the right diet. Dwarf and Syrian hamsters can be given one spice at a time. High sugar content in raisins only pose health risks to your hamster. Relevance. Hamsters normally love anything that is sweet and since raisins are 60% sugar they are likely to love them too. Read the answers. It’s even recommended to avoid dried fruits altogether. Hamsters eat about 2 teaspoons of food a day, including hamster pellets. Some hamsters can eat the grapes with their seeds, but some of them have a problem with the seeds. fructose (approximately 60% of the entire weight). Popular among them all are the likes of New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, a few Asian countries, etc. Remove any remnants of feed to avoid rotting- this is especially for fresh fruits, vegetables, and powdered food which tend to grow mould / bacteria. MyPerkyPet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising feed by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. These types of hamsters cannot eat raisins at all. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! Wiki User Answered . It can cause several diseases like diabetes and stomach upsets. To answer the most common items given as treats (and some items not to give you hammy) we’ve put together a hamsterific infographic you can get below. The mixture also contains pineapple and banana (read more about whether hamsters can eat banana here). Give one raisin to your pet at a time. Besides giving your hamster treats, it is very important to give it the right kind of hamster food. In terms of nutrition, raisins are high in calories and is known to be a good source for iron and potassium. But for the other hamsters as pets such as the Syrian cousins, offering a raisin that is mixed in a trail mix once in a while might not be dangerous. What can hamsters eat? What Do Hamsters Typically Eat? Being toxic in nature is something that poses a threat to the dogs and can be a concern if you offer just too many to the hamsters. The smell of raisins makes hamsters very excited and happy. An egg snack should be the size of two raisins. Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi? I would think that raisins would be fairly safe... but don't give them more than 1 or 2 a day. Top Answer. Yes, raisins are only dried grapes, so it's a fruit. What if your Hamster doesn’t Like Raisins. Lay down on the sunflower seeds if they come with his/her food. High-quality hamster food and Timothy hay should be the main staples of their diet. Grapes and raisins are considered safe for hamsters, but you should take in account a few things before feeding your hamster raisins. Syrian’s and Roborovksi hamsters They are okay for Syrian’s and Roborovksi’s to eat but only a few at a time. Raisins come in different varieties and they contain important vitamins. 3. If you have any questions around any treat we have not covered please leave a comment below – we’ll be around to answer it. Yes, surely, they can eat raisins keeping in mind that they are fed in moderation. Thus, it highly depends on the pet owners to ensure that the right food diets are maintained and the hamsters are kept at a safe distance from raisins. They can be consumed in the raw form and are also used for baking and brewing as well. This means that only certain hamsters can eat raisins. But here are a few points to consider before feeding this fruit to any of your pets as no one knows for sure yet if they are affected by them. Article from furrytips.com. Raisins are dry fruits which have the possibility of leading to acute renal failure. It is also good to monitor your hamster’s water intake because a reduction of water intake can mean you need to visit the vet. Raisins also have very high natural sugar content, the natural sugar being fructose, which is 60% by weight Grapes and raisins are generally not considered to be harmful to hamsters. Yep! Hamsters are known to love to consume raisins because they are sweet. They are also high in sugar which is especially bad for Dwarf hamsters as they are predisposed to Diabetes. They carry food in their cheek pouches and can be … However, the question here is that “can hamsters eat raisins?” A lot of experts and pet owners would say yes, but it’s important to know in what quantities and if at all its feasible to treat your hamsters with one. Once in a while it’s okay to treat your hamster with it but not more than that. There are a few threats Raisins pose when offered more than a single piece a day or may be on a daily basis. These little buddies eat an assortment of things to keep them healthy and happy. Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage? Hamsters are known to love to consume raisins because they are sweet. Raisins are nothing more than dried grapes, but some companies add extra ingredients that may make this treat unhealthy. Raisins are safe food with sufficient sugary provisions for your hamsters. But, it is not known that raisins can do any harm to hamsters. The water bottle should be frequently checked for any dirt or leaks to avoid contamination of the water. Answer Save. Hamsters like other omnivorous animals prefer to have a wide range of veggies, seeds, nuts and fruits. i just got a hamster and i want to give him a treat! Since the raisins are sweet for these hamster types it can make them sick as they are prone to diabetes so best to avoid feeding them raisins. Raisins are NOT known to have any negative effects on hamsters when eaten. 8 years ago. Raisins are raw fruit that can be a little bit sticky to eat. The hamsters can become uncomfortable with the presence of seeds in grapes. Hamsters are versatile and can eat diverse varieties of food, but on average, they don’t need much, and you can nurture them in full health in an affordable way. As you can see, raisins contain a hint of salt and fat, a lot of phosphorus, sugar and acidic content, and a little calcium. Can Hamsters Eat Grapefruit? In most of the drying processes for fruits, Sulphur dioxide is used which has high content of toxic gases and is colorless. Other impacts can include the likes of developing diabetes, especially among the dwarfs who are prone to be highly diabetic. Give him veggies every once and awhile. In addition, food like meat and cheese can be important protein sources…. Fruit Snacks. Raisins are a potential threat when it comes to dogs, but in case of hamsters it is safe when offered in limited quantities. Pet owners and several experts would say hamsters can eat raisins. Raisins comprise of high sugar content i.e. Bubbles, there is a 3-step system I use every time to ensure it’s good for his little stomach. Fruit hamsters can eat include apples, blueberries, plums, figs, strawberries, bananas, cut grapes and pears. When introducing a new kind of feed to your hamster, you should first give a small amount and observe for a week for any negative reaction to the food. The Dwarfs are known to be diabetic and it is better to avoid offering food that is high in sugar content. The smell of raisins makes hamsters very excited and happy. Raisin .. Do Hamsters Like Raisins? Raisins are also a popular ingredient for several alcoholic drinks. It has high content of Vitamin A as well as Vitamin B. Because raisins can make your hamster really fat and can cause problems with your hamsters stomach if ate to much. Dwarf and Syrian Hamsters should be fed one raisin at a time. Food placed in flat dishes or directly on the cage floor. It’s a popular misconception that hamsters just eat dried hamster food that you purchase from a pet shop, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Pelleted diets prevent this from happening, but they are a bit monotonous and some hamsters will refuse them. crickets. Be sure that your hamster is accustomed to eating a variety of sweet fruits before offering them a raisin. If you want to give your hamster a very special treat, a raisin is just the thing. They contain a … You can definitely give raisins to hamsters but make sure that you do not offer more than a single raisin a day. Can hamsters eat raisins? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This amount of serving can be offered as a snack or treat which will spice up the diet of your pet. Can Hamsters Eat Guava? Consumption of certain things may make the animal sick, and in some cases, may even cause death. Can hamsters eat Coconut? The reason why they should be fed in moderation is that they contain sugar in them. While in most cases, it is advised to avoid offering dried fruits to pets, there are exceptions as well. 2009-10-23 20:16:11 2009-10-23 20:16:11. Can I Give Avocado to Hamsters? 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! A sudden change in the diet of your pet may cause stress. As mentioned above, raisins are only safe when offered in limited quantities. Hence, there is very rare possibility that your hamster would not love to eat raisins. Yes, hamsters can eat raisins. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! Only offer one raisin and make sure that it doesn’t have any sugar added. You can definitely give raisins to hamsters but make sure that you do not offer more than a single raisin a day. Raisins have been linked to renal failure. S-Z. Can Hamsters Eat Spinach? Made from soya, whole peanuts and sunflower seeds, Non-GMO food made from three varieties of grass hay to support variety, Pelletted food made from a variety of corns and seeds, High protein content of 16%, even picky eaters love it, High protein content of 16%, good value for money. Explore. Can Hamsters Eat Peppers? Raisins come in different varieties and they contain important vitamins. “Can hamsters eat sultanas?” may seem like a random question. At least giving them once or twice a day would suffice. Yes, hamsters can eat raisins in moderation, too. Fruit and vegetables are with some exceptions a good and healthy choice that add antioxidants and healthy fats to a diet. Pretty much any type of fruit is not harmful to a hamster. Not to mention the high sugar content it has which can cause some types of a hamster, specifically dwarf, to suffer diabetes. Crunchy pieces good for teeth health, Crunchy pieces that are good for teeth health, Protein content of 13.5% on the lower end, Best Hamster Bedding- The Definitive Guide, Chinchilla Hammocks (for harmonic relaxation), Ferret Hammocks (for harmonic relaxation), Best Ferret Litter box (for potty training), Best Ferret Litter (for odor control and absorption), food like meat and cheese can be important protein sources, Test if your hamster can eat the treat. Favorite Answer. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They are sweet in taste and loved by many animals. Best, Large Hamster Cages (for both Syrian and Dwarf Hamsters!). http://animals.mom.me/fruits-dwarf-hamsters-eat-1264.html, http://www.hammysworld.com/index.php?p=grapes, http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/hamsters/tips/hamsters_as_pets.html?referrer=https://www.google.co.in/. Grapes have many benefits, such as vitamin C, but also can pose risks to your hamster if they eat too many. One raisin occasionally wouldn’t harm your hamster but this is not the food that you should give your pet regularly. Lv 7. Hamsters can be hand-fed, however, they can also bite. It is acute and can appear all of a sudden. A hamster can be picky with loose seed mixes, eating only their favorite items, resulting in an unbalanced diet. Do not overfeed on vegetables to avoid diarrhoea. Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries? Surprisingly, the smell of raisins are enough to make your hamster shoot and jump to have it. So try to avoid serving raisins to your Hamsters as much as possible. 6 Answers. Likewise, if your hamster ate something you’re not sure about, call your vet. Some of the other alternatives which you can offer includes fruits like blackberries, cherries, figs, honeydew, lychee, papaya, pear, raspberries, strawberries, or melon. You are now well equipped to start feeding all kinds of treats to your hamster. They are safe for your hamster only in moderation. Source(s): I own 2 chinchillas (which are rodents like hamsters) and they are allowed to have a raisin or two as a treat. Overfeeding on sugary fruits and treats is also discouraged because it tends to cause obesity in your pet. Hamsters love raisins, make sure you only give one a day. They are a great sugary treat for hamsters and should be fed sparingly and in small amounts. Can Hamsters eat Raisins? Surprisingly, the smell of raisins are enough to make your hamster shoot and jump to have it. Can Hamsters Eat Plums? In any case, do not give too much of raisins to birds. It is more sugar than some soft drinks and way more sugar than an actual grape. If you’re looking for a fantastic blend that includes raisins, our favourite is the Little One Fruit Mix. Raisins are dried grapes that are produced across several countries in the world. Up to about 10% of their diet can be made up of an assortment of vegetables and fruits, with fruits and vegetables over 12-24 hours old being discarded as soon as possible. This food has a pleasant smell that will leave your animal happy and excited. However, in case they do opt to do so, don’t worry since sugary foods are not good for hamsters anyways. Do Hamsters Eat Raisins? However, it's best to exercise caution when feeding them to your hamster as raisins are high in sugar. lovemice. You can add raisins in the diet of the hamsters. It is documented that raisins have some toxic effects to dogs and cats. Provide fresh water every day. Answer. Raisins are sweet and hamsters sure love to have anything sugary. A serving of half a raisin is sufficient for your hamster once or twice a week. If you’re ever unsure about feeding your hamster a particular food, just don’t do it. If there is no negative reaction, then the feed is safe for consumption for your hamster. 1. There is a lot of food out there with one of the following traits: That’s why, we have done the research and recommend the following three products, that are none of the above, and instead are the backbone of a good hamster diet. Dried berries of grapes are an excellent sweet treat for hamsters, but they should eat it in small, limited quantities. G-L. Can Hamsters Eat Grapes? Learn if you should introduce raisins to your hamsters diet and how much raisins are safe to feed it to your pet. Less sugar is best for your hamster. Asked by Wiki User. It would help if you gave the meal to your hamster sparingly and enough or in small quantities. Can Hamsters Eat Raisins? Proper care is very important when it comes to offering a particular kind of food to your pet. Hamsters thrive on a high variety diet. What nutrients do Raisins contain? In case of hamsters, raisins can stick inside their mouth or within their belly if served in large quantities. Yes, hamsters can eat Raisins. Can hamsters eat raisin? There are additional foods you could feed a hamster, like a bit of a hard-boiled egg for protein, Osborne said. 4. Only feed raisins in moderation and be sure to read the ingredient list to make sure there are no added sugars or other ingredients that may be harmful to your pet. The main food of most birds are insects. “With dwarfs, be careful not to put your hands by their bowls since they can … Raisins are dried up versions of grapes, so they … Ans: Most of the hamsters like dried fruits like raisins. In many animal centers, experts advise the pet owners to feed their pets with raisins only once the toxic substance gets identified. Too much sugar can cause stomach upset and intestinal problems (e.g. Alcoholic drinks egg for protein, Osborne said eat an assortment of things to keep these.... Since raisins are not good for his little stomach raisin is sufficient for can hamsters eat raisins hamster ate you! 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