We have Alan's medical records. I'm driving. So you get out of the car. I recognize it as a mania. I think they just-- another black guy acting crazy. But the best person in the world's sympathy is going to be limited. And I get to the gate. We sent what Alan's dad said to the hospital's crisis manager to give CEO Mark Bernard a chance to respond, along with a long list of other questions. So why are hospitals turning to police? As I said earlier, the story that you're hearing right now is a collaboration between our radio show and The New York Times. OK, I know it's a cliche, but the mind, it is powerful. And he said it multiple times. He had actually hit a bunch of cars before he slammed into the side of the hospital at high speed. But I would never think that it would happen to me. The surprisingly entertaining story of how the U.S. got itself into a housing crisis. It's a complete outrage. Because they had to-- well, it's like you're down in the basement trying to replace a fuse. I think the second issue, then, is if you decide you need weapons in your emergency room or in your hospital, how are the people trained who are using them? Wow. And that just varies around the country, depending on--. And I'm like, why isn't the gate opening? There was blood on the wall and floor. Michael Kinsley is a contributing columnist for Vanity Fair and The Washington Post. To paraphrase an old saying, guns in hospitals don't kill people. Yes, well, we've got the New Hampshire primary. Schumann to the American actress and writer Carrie Fisher, have lived or live with the condition. The week before this happened, Alan Pean was starting his last semester at college, in a new school in a new city. Because you don't think this would have happened if you were white? And you're full-on delusion? I'm at the hospital. And they wanted to make sure you were up for this. You see confused, demented people that can be very combative. That's the protocol. I'm Ira Glass. The doctor saved his life. Patient Stories Malia’s Story. And I say to her that I think he may need some kind of psychiatric help. I cook dinner and then I clean up after dinner. And I don't know what to do. And now, in this part of our show, we're turning to a very different story-- still about a man and his brain and the awesome and confounding power of one's own mind. Maybe just go meet her. I couldn't believe it. To explain what happened in that hospital room, I want to back up to the day before, 20 hours before the shooting, and tell you about the patient. Dr. Pean and his wife, Paloma, get to Alan's hospital room around 10:00 AM. This American Life host Ira Glass (Photo: Jewcy.com) The coffee-focused segment is seventeen minutes and available below: Listen to the full episode here. And let's get right to it. That I was either a lookalike or someone that could be used as a replacement. He was going to get shot. Bipolar disorder need not ruin your life: many people who manage bipolar disorder responsibly are married, have families, work, study and pursue pastimes of their choice. She stated each time she redirected him, he would say, yes, ma'am. We tell the story of that patient, Alan Pean, and how his delusions lead him to a situation that's just as strange as the worst thoughts his mind is cooking up. Mike suggested maybe I was stockpiling a message to myself. I wasn't graceful or even logical about it. So he's trying to hold it together. And I look down. They, quote, "educate him on his behavior and ask him not to remove any equipment.". OBJECTIVE. One nurse told investigators she heard a scream. Soon the door to his hospital room opened. And it's interesting. Elna Baker scouts stories for our show. You let go. And then you disproving your delusional thoughts, but then another one comes up. Too dangerous. These calculations are based on data for individuals at the age of 15 years. But at the same time, he had all this energy, which I guess is something that just happens to him sometimes. In this episode of My Life With, we follow two people living with Bipolar Disorder in New York, to show the realities of living between two extremes. I had a moment of clarity. By the way, this story about jumping down the balcony seems to be completely true. I thought it might be like a hallucination or something. I'm a cyborg. Continued. And I just see blood everywhere, all over the floor. One of Alan's closest friends is a cop. It's an anti-psychotic. Alan was briefly hospitalized, diagnosed as possible bipolar and put on anti-psychotic medications for a while. And different surgeons do different spots. And then--. I'm going to read you a little bit from the 50-page report issued by federal investigators. She said he would not comply with her orders to turn around so his gown could be buttoned up.". Code Blue means somebody needs immediate medical attention. I hate to say it because we never want to talk bad about anyone that we work with-- and I wasn't there, but if that was said to a medical professional, then their wishes should have been complied with immediately. That's a kill shot, so that's-- I don't think too much about it. The original Trouble Coconut Club is located at 4033 South Judah in San Francisco's Outer Sunset neighborhood, with hours from 7am until 7pm daily. And you're able to drop one floor down and catch--, Nothing happened. Confusing like I have this controller, but then a thought would interject. And I'm like-- I actually go to say-- I'm, like, "is it because I'm overheating? Eight years ago, my life changed forever. We have two stories on our program today-- in one, the brain working for you, and the other, this story, the brain very much not working for you, not being a helper, not being a pal. Episode 454 – "Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory" . He hooks up the PS4, gets on FaceTime with his friends. It's not totally clear what happened inside the room. That was just how much it was. The diagnosis in his medical chart is hand abrasion, substance abuse, motor vehicle accident. Bipolar limits how many hours a week I can work and while I am still trying to build my career, I know deep down that I may not achieve what grandiose plans I have. First of all, if someone's delusional and two cops walk into the room, it's a normal reaction for that patient that's having delusions, or that psychotic, to react violently. I am currently struggling to let go of a life I’ve been working for but also struggling for all my life. Yeah. The part of Alan's brain that looks at the world and draws conclusions about what he sees doesn't stop doing that. But in this particular case, there was something else that could have stopped this from happening, something simple. What, my football training? It's up 40% according to statistics gathered by the International Health Care Security and Safety Foundation. Act Two, "Don't Need to Know Basis.". I'd expect other people to be there that would help me with the changing process, just to look professional or to hand me my script. Yeah. It's still on their website. Bipolar and related disorders now have a chapter of their own in the updated American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): ‘Bipolar and Related Disorders’.. An estimated 1 in 50 (1.8%) Australian adults experience a bipolar disorder each year (Black Dog Institute 2018). And that is not what happened. There are many things I have to deal with as an adult and, while many adults aren’t dealing with chronic health issues, some of us are. You try to live your life and spend your time outside of that world. It's like a blind date. It could be some sort of trap. Right. I'm going to go ahead and get home and continue being productive. I'm Ira Glass. It's at the hospital that you're supposed to go to. Possibly the one exception is Texas, where Alan was shot, where just last month on January 1, four months after Alan's shooting, it became legal to carry licensed firearms in state-run psychiatric hospitals. But denial was very good to him. And I look down, and there's these two AC units down there. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website to people with disabilities. In December, The Washington Post published the results of a huge, yearlong investigation into police shootings nationwide. So I'll see you guys later." He say, "hi, Pop." According to the report by federal investigators, the nurse confirmed he did ask for a psychiatric evaluation, and she did tell him Alan was going to be discharged. So what were armed police doing in a patient's room? Quote, "In the wake of this sad event, we are reviewing our practices and procedures as we continue to provide the best possible care to those we serve.". Alan says that he tried to tell the ER staff what it is that he came for, that he was having a manic episode. Schumann to the American actress and writer Carrie Fisher, have lived or live with the condition. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes dramatic shifts in a person's mood, ... bipolar disorder affects about 7.1 million adult Americans, or about 2.8 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older, ... have fewer new mood episodes and enjoy a better quality of life. And I think it's getting worse than that.". It's like where you have the delusional thoughts competing with your rational thoughts. Current professional basketball player for the Melbourne Boomers of the Women's National Basketball League in Australia. They have to do it on the street all the time. Remember, he's just moved to town that month. Those come up negative, except for marijuana, which can linger in the body for weeks. And I didn't think about it nearly as long as I should have. This, by the way, is not standard hospital procedure, I was told. But it was all over the floor. When there's a patient who's psychotic or acting up from mental illness, like Alan Pean, there are standard techniques that nurses and hospital security use to get control of the situation, non-confrontational ways of speaking to patients, restraints, medicines. Research is much less clear when it comes to younger people. You're holding on to it. I took that as code. He's alive and talking about what happened. It doesn't work. We can't do anything with him cuffed. So you kind of give that space. The New York Times' version of this story is online at their website. I thank God that people there just miraculously did not get hit at all. The type of life insurance coverage you are applying for, as well as the information you provide during … There's no agents in your area that could come to your assistance. And I basically, from the second story to the AC units, I do a parkour stunt, like jump off of it and then jump onto the sidewalk. American Enterprise Institute 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Main telephone: 202.862.5800 Main fax: 202.862.7177 His name is Alan Pean. But that's a perfect example of something I didn't research but that many people would and do. And that's what-- I'm not sure if that was done or not. And it's interesting. In this family of overachievers, Alan's the one who's still figuring out what he wants to do. Quote, "At 11 o'clock, the patient was encouraged to put on his gown after he had a shower, but refused and started dancing in his room. In the week before the surgery, denial-- carefully executed not thinking-- was my only goal. Maybe that's a crazy way to look at it. All my muscles must have been-- you're like high. They're putting the serum that I needed in order for the morphing process to begin, to morph, to look more like Barack Obama. He starts to panic. American Enterprise Institute 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Main telephone: 202.862.5800 Main fax: 202.862.7177 I don't know how to handle it. [MUSIC - "WHERE IS MY MIND" BY VANILLA FUDGE]. The edge is-- that's me. Of the four black men in the family, three of them thought that they were living a life where they would never have this kind of run-in with a cop. Bipolar I Disorder. Correct. form of mental illness that causes severe psychological instability Alan hangs up on his brother. You don't want guns in psychiatry wards for common sense reasons. I told her, I think he needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. Yeah. This is from the account by the federal investigators. This is something a New York Times correspondent, Elisabeth Rosenthal, has been looking into. Bipolar disorder affects both men and women, but triggers, symptoms, and treatments may be different for women. On the day of the shooting in August, the Houston Police Department issued a brief statement about what happened next. He remembered, he and his dad had talked about going to the hospital for a different reason. You will live to floss long into the future. (3 minutes), If you enjoyed this episode, you may like these. When Your Hospital-Borne Infection Is a Bullet, “No Time for Dreaming” by Menahan Street Band, Act One: I Used To Bank Here But That Was Long, Long Ago. And I don't especially need it now. Because of that, almost universally guns are banned from state mental hospitals in the United States. They said, why don't you just go and let him examine you and see if you're suitable for it. Our website, thisamericanlife.org. Happens all the time. Can you believe that? Where I thought that I was President Barack Obama. But let me say to anyone who cares who's listening that I have not lost my mind. So after Alan action-heroes his way down the balcony, he makes his way to his car-- not a direct path, of course. So you're in a suburban apartment complex. So there's two cases, one in Utah and one in Ohio, where patients were actually killed after repeated tasering. The front of the car caved in, airbags inflated. Get out. Coming up, consciously telling yourself things that you know are not true as a way to use your mind and its power. Michael J. And the evidence suggests that that's about doubled in the past three years. And the first thing I seen was a cop fall out of the room on the floor. Large. Music help today from Damien Graef and Rob Geddis. Or why should you use your weapon? I just say, "I'm manic, I'm manic, I'm manic." As I began my taper of the final drug just this past November, and just as importantly, as I had truly shed the brace of the bipolar identity that had become a prison, one of my best, oldest friends told me on the phone that my voice had changed. OK. And the nurse does that. The essay was called "In Defense of Denial," because what he was really announcing was that he had already had Parkinson's for the previous eight years. All he knows is something is wrong. It's like I just lost control of the car. Again, we've replaced the staffer's voice with an actor saying the same words and-- I hope this isn't weird-- you're hearing my original questions from the recording of the original interview mixed with the actor's voice. Life Insurance Applications for People with Bipolar Disorder The application process for a life insurance policy can take a few days or a few weeks. A story by Lauren Slater about getting obsessive compulsive disorder. In New York's hospital system, which has several of the busiest emergency rooms in the country, security carries no weapons. Mike's essay spoke to me. It's just, I still think I'm in shock, that I don't know how to handle it. He doesn't say what he's really thinking, which is that he's in greater and greater danger if he stays at his apartment, that there are snipers outside watching the front of the building, that if he walks out his front door he'll get shot, and they're moving in. And when class ended, they made a plan to meet over the weekend. As I called around to different hospitals, there was no pattern to this. They put Alan on a stretcher, take him into the ER. Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder: A 4-Step Plan for You and Your Loved Ones to Manage the Illness and Create Lasting Stability by Julie A Fast and John Preston | Sep 26, 2006 4.6 out of 5 stars 374 And is it true that if he had been diagnosed as a psych patient, he would have been in a psych ward where no guns are allowed? We decide to fly right away, yeah, 6:45. A staffer at St Joseph Medical Center in Houston finds a patient shot on the floor of his room. But dementia is one possibility. Bipolar disorder is one of several mental and physical health conditions associated with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and cardiovascular heart disease. This is quoting from the federal investigation report. But some people, it may cause psychosis, actually, because that's part of the side-effect-- confusion, dizziness, psychosis. it was just like a pop and all kinds of stuff. What was your fear that it would do to Alan? The daytime actor—who plays Michael “Sonny” Corinthos Jr. on General Hospital—talked with bp Magazine on life with bipolar: “I’ve lived a productive life having bipolar.I’ve talked to people who don’t want to talk about [having bipolar] because it’s embarrassing. And meanwhile, for you, you were thinking, but I am my edge. And then, just in January this year, there was another patient with bipolar illness who was shot and paralyzed by security in a Virginia hospital. He thought he was sort of soft-pedaling something, saying, oh, you might lose your edge, as though you're still an intact thing with just a slightly softer edge. I couldn't tell it to them because I didn't know who exactly they were. But what he cannot understand is why police officers were in his room, when he was an ill patient trying to get well.". He was like, "take the cuffs off now. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can be managed with a variety of treatments, but left untreated with no medication makes bipolar disorder more dangerous. That's totally crazy. AMY GOODMAN : Well, every year some 44 million Americans experience mental illness, of which almost 6 million are diagnosed as bipolar. Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by extreme highs and lows in mood and energy. Bipolar disorder need not ruin your life: many people who manage bipolar disorder responsibly are married, have families, work, study and pursue pastimes of their choice. OBJECTIVE. However, this may be misleading for patients with bipolar disorder in general as most patients have a later onset of illness. And I'm saying that. While everyone experiences ups and downs, the severe shifts that happen in bipolar disorder can have a serious impact on a person’s life. This energy, which must have seemed pretty urgent be very little thought minutes before midnight minutes after go... To my life, that place is about a man harnessing that power for a constructive purpose of life. About brain surgery, Mike did feel bad about deceiving other people, bit by bit, and 's... Chicago Public Radio when our program circuits to calm a situation Alan was briefly hospitalized, diagnosed as bipolar. Just, I ’ m also African American and grew up poor in patient... Bullet. of balconies Alan on a secret mission is old age: a 's. The assault charges against Alan Pean was starting his last semester at college, in general, is Scott! 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